Planting Our Seeds: Lessons learned from Indigenous-led COVID-19 Vaccination Outreach by vaccineequity | Nov 18, 2021Thursday, November 18th, 3-4:15 pm ET (Traducción al español a continuación) In honor of National Native American Heritage Month, Made to Save is hosting a panel discussion to highlight the efforts from Native and Indigenous grantees on COVID-19 vaccination outreach...
Congressional Briefing: Equity for Children and the COVID-19 Vaccine by vaccineequity | Nov 18, 2021Thursday, November 18th, 2-3 pm ET First Focus on Children invites you to join a Congressional briefing: “Equity for Children and the COVID-19 Vaccine” sponsored by Senator Sherrod Brown and Representative Kim Schrier. As vaccine eligibility is extended to younger...
Aligning Public Health and Businesses: Effective Partnerships and COVID-19 Messaging Strategies by Sue McCarron | Nov 4, 2021This free webinar from the Public Health Communications Collaborative offers timely messaging guidance for the upcoming holiday season and ongoing COVID-19 communications needs. This webinar will offer insights, practical tips, and case studies from both the public...
Prioritizing Maternal Health Amid COVID-19 by Sue McCarron | Oct 25, 2021In partnership, Hunger Free NYC, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy, National Black Leadership Commission on Health is hosting this webinar to provide a safe space for pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum parents to have an open, honest...
Lessons from the Field: Vaccinating our Immigrant and Migrant Communities by Sue McCarron | Oct 25, 2021Despite safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, reaching immigrants and migrants with vaccines remains challenging and the unvaccinated continue to suffer from severe illness and death. Vaccinations against the virus are critical to protect the health of migrant and...