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Tuesday, May 18

Bright Spot Briefing: Increasing Access And Readiness In Latinx Communities

Created by the Vaccine Equity Cooperative, the latest webinar in this series of briefings presents successful approaches to increasing vaccine access and readiness in Latinx communities by enabling and supporting local promotoras.
Community Types: Latinx Communities

Latinx communities across the U.S. continue to be underrepresented among those vaccinated for COVID-19. As of May 3, 2021, the CDC reported that while race/ethnicity was known for just over half (55%) of people who had received at least one dose of the vaccine. Among this group, nearly two thirds were White (63%), while 13% were Latinx/Hispanic.

In addition to the systemic and structural barriers generally faced by communities of color, vaccine access and readiness continues to be a challenge in many Latinx communities, even as the vaccine becomes more widely available. Created by the Vaccine Equity Cooperative, the latest webinar in this series of briefings presents:

  • The latest Kaiser Family Foundation COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor data, with a focus on vaccination rates and barriers among Latinx communities against national trends;
  • Common COVID-19 vaccination concerns and access challenges among Latinx populations;
  • Successful approaches to increasing vaccine access and readiness in Latinx communities by enabling and supporting local promotoras.


  1. Liz Hamel, Vice President and Director, Public Opinion and Survey Research, Kaiser Family Foundation
  2. Maria Lemus, Executive Director, Vision y Compromiso
  3. Jacquelyn S. Dalton, Director of Community Engagement, Health Leads (moderator)

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